Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You gotta be fast!

I was on Chick Check this morning.  It's the very arduous task of making sure they are
  1. still there,
  2. have food  and
  3. top up the water.
Once the incubating phase is over, they will be split into two groups.  50 to Team Peter, 50 to us - Team Candillo.  Part of the summer fun is to see how many survive out of each group - farm excitement. But for now, it's one big (little?) chick herd.

I opened the coop door to a flurry of excited chirping. So far, so good.  One little guy was motionless in the straw, but upon nudging, turned out to be a sleeper-in-er.

Plenty of feed, so I took out the water - a big inverted jug with a basin screwed on the bottom - to refill it.

Upon my return, I was about to place it back in the corral only to notice a squished chick right in the middle of the circle marking the water jug's spot.  Poor little guy wasn't fast enough.  You gotta run!

Chick count...99

Must speak to Dad at lunch - He-Who-Installed-the-Chicks.  Which team's count does this one come out of?

PS.  I was very stoic and dealt with the remains all by myself - coop is right next to the burn barrel.

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