Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lucky Log

With the Human Brick (see previous post) gig now over, a big outting is being called into play being a Human Log.

This involves sitting in the truck to 'block' the road to encourage the cows to go through the right gate when they're being moved into another field.

I can do that.

The 'lucky' part of log duty yesterday was  visit from a 2-day old calf.  I was moved to actually get out of the truck to do some arm waving to urge wayward beasties the proper direction.

Clearly I was very effective as the wee little brown calf wobbled his way right over to me and let me pet him!

Eventually he curled up in the ditch by the truck to wait for his mama and he let me come over and scratch his ears.

So cute!  I liked being a Log.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you get through the days. You must be EXHAUSTED. I'll bet you sleep like a ... uh ... log. Or brick.
