Saturday, February 13, 2010

I liked it...I really liked it...

I watched every minute of the Olympic opening ceremonies and for the most part, really enjoyed it.

- kd lang singing Hallelujah*
- Bryan Adams*
- the whales swimming across the stadium
- most of the fiddling
- Sarah McLaughlin
- slam poet
- slam poem
- treatment of Georgian's terrible death
- enjoying some Canadian shmaltz
- the array of cool Canadians brought out for the occasion

- Nellly Furtado's dress
- some of the fiddling
- opera-lady's rendition of the Olympic song
- flying over the prairie for a little too long...
- Georgian's terrible death
- the non-event drive of Wayne Gretzky through the streets.  After all that, throw Wayne in a pick up to go the abandoned part of the waterfront...really?!?
-...and of course special mention to the Height of AWKWARD... the missing cauldron... Next time, have a Plan B

* Yes, I know it's not cool to like Bryan Adams...and where has kd been for 20 years, but I lived in the athletes village during the Calgary 88 games and both of them performed in the village.  I saw kd in her sawed off cowboy boots and I happened to be coming into the village through security right behind Bryan Adams, so I sidled closer and pretended to be part of the entourage.  Very cool for an excitable 20 year old.

Now I'm older and generally less excitable, so it's nice to indulge in a little giddiness.  :)

Go Canada!


  1. Oh man, agree with all except the opera lady--Measha Brueggergossman. I kind of love her, and thought she looked and sounded beautiful. That was some awesome hair for a diva.

    In fairness, though, Rikk and I actually met her in a music store in the heady days of our whirlwind courtship. We were giddy and high on love, and she totally engaged us in a silly way, chatting with us like she'd known us forever. She's the real thing. xxoo Sam

  2. See, you had a giddy and excitable moment with Measha...very cool! What's not to like about that? :)
