Of approximate 102 to start. 38 made it to Butcher Day. Puh-thetic. 60% attrition! Blight, escape, raccoons and coyotes had their way with the flock this year.
Had I been a diligent blogger you would have been captivated by reports of raccoon break-ins, mass murder, reinforcing the perimeter, breaking through the perimeter, checking in with CTU, Sam the dog corning raccoon in the old combine, Peter solving the problem with the 22, another raccoon moving in, more 'lead poisoning', etc. But I was a crap blogger (as has been established) and you missed all that.
Point being - REALLY crap year for chickens.
For all those making the trip this past weekend, the average weigh-in was somewhere between 3 and 4 pounds. Please inquire with Mom for exact measurements.
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