Thursday, January 14, 2010

Settling into the new normal

Well, we're in week two of part-time (three days a week) daycare...and LOVING it!

We (meaning Dexter and I, let's be clear) get out of bed a reasonable time (7-ish), eat and load up the car.  There is endless commentary from Chatty Charlie in the backseat including very reliable alerts as to when  freight trucks are passing and oohs and ahhs as the sky changes from dark, to pink, to orange to sun!

Yes, it is ironic to end up commuting 2+ hours a day here, versus a 10 minute walk in Toronto, but hey, what can you do? 

I have only ever spent time here as a short-term visitor, which meant in the past, I hung out with family or just my anti-social self vegging at the farm.  It's interesting to be part of the flow of life...

Yorkton does have a 'rush hour'...I have had to wait at least one full light rotation a couple of times so far crossing Broadway and there was line up of school buses and cars depositing pupils into the two high schools we drive by.

Yes, there is a wait at Tim Horton's (well, there always's chronically understaffed) and there are harried parents trying to disentangle screeching children at daycare as they try to make it to work on time.

I realize I sound like an idiot, but after what feels like a couple of months of moving and holiday daze, it's oddly refreshing to see a bustle of living going on...and awfully, awfully nice to be able to retreat from it when we've had enough too! :)

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