Monday, December 7, 2009

First solo assignment

It's -22C on this balmy farm morning. Chris has been given his first solo assignment - go chop a hole in the ice for the cattle.

As we lounged in bed this morning with Dexter demanding alternate book readings from us, I pointed out the time - we were late for the 8 am daily planning meeting at the breakfast table.

"No problem" said Chris,"until they pick up the new snowmobile (more on that later), I can't go out with them...not enough vehicles." He relaxed back under the covers.

Eventually we surfaced and found that Dad had a meeting and Peter was happy to give Chris his first task.

The exchange was something like:

Peter: Do you remember where to go?
Chris: I've only been to that one that it?
Peter (looking blank): Sure....
Chris (looking nervous): Then I know where it is.
Peter: Remember where the ax is?
Chris: Sure...
Dad: You know how big to chop the hole?
Peter and Dad: (discuss back and forth about size of hole - Dad - 6 feet across, Peter - 'about this big' holding hands apart, whether cattle have been going far out on the ice...etc, etc)
Peter: Take Sam (the dog) with you, he knows where he's going
Chris: Okay....

And off the menfolk went. I heard Chris clumping out of the house in his uber boots, super touque, new mittens about 2 hours ago.

Hang's been 2 hours!?!? I'm sure all is well. What could possibly go wrong?

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