Thursday, March 25, 2010

Signs of Spring...

...In no particular order

  • Geranium Watch 2010 begins - recon to Walmart scouting out seedlings.
  • Massive roof drainage highlighting misaligned gutter and gaping holes in said gutter.
  • Pond on front porch of house
  • The missing stench of diesel fumes on the morning chore clothes...the troughs are not freezing over
  • Mud-encrusted cars
  • 45 minute line ups at the car wash
  • Fresh snow 2 days later...followed by newly mud-encrusted cars
  • Success with Project Geranium!
  • Scandal revealed with the outrageous almost DOUBLING of the price of Walmart geraniums from last year.  More acceptable price sourced at Peavy Mart.  Ruffled feathers are smoothed.
  • Daycare yard turns into massive Lake Yorkton/Yorkton skating rink, depending on the weather
  • The arrival of seed catalogues - debating the pros and cons of trying sweet potatoes this year
  • Plastic encasing the windows is boldly sliced to allow feeble breeze to enter formerly hermetically sealed home
  • First barbecue of the season. Ribs enjoyed by all
  • Chris realizing that his -40C boots may be overdressing a bit
  • Chris realizing that he needs new shoes
  • Warm enough to have plumber do the gas fittings to install new gas cooktop.  "Ooh, ahh!  It's HOT!"
  • Muddy boots banished to the garage landing.  Additional newpaper layed down in back entrance.
  • Puddles populated by happy boys all over the yard.
  • Spring party is held - balloons released on boys' heads in celebration
  • Great delight taken in popping balloons.   Dad sitting on balloon results in REALLY LOUD pop!
  • Dexter snarfing back large portion of spring party cake decorated with icing filled ice cream cones.  Head begins to spin.
  • the before we get out of bed.
  • Deer and cow body parts being revealed in the yard as snow receeds -way to dig Sam!
  • Mulling over the purchase of blackout blinds for the bedrooms
  • Retirement of the snowmobile - sniff
  • Return of the quad for farm transportation
  • the while we eat supper
  • Growing anticipation of sister Karen's May wedding
  • Windowsill flies hatching
  • Hummingbird Watch 2010's a competitive sport
  • Pondering installation of fresh fly paper
  • Dexter announcing that he hates flies
  • Mom resumes daily walks
  • Michele considers daily walks
  • Chris mourns his daily snowmobile rides
  • Mom announcing that a too-large garden spruce tree needs a new home this year and there is simply nowhere to put it in this 4-acre (really) yard. Taken under advisement
  • The nightly arrival of prairie chicken on the deck feasting on the remaining cranberries.  Appearance is conveniently timed around dinner for our viewing enjoyment
  • Hungry critters emerging from hiding...Sam chasing away three deer from the fence...coyotes trotting across fields as we drive home from daycare
  • Cow Watch 2010 - the growing anticipation of baby cows.  Any day now...
  • Successful growth of heliotrope seedlings in the basement nursery.  I managed to keep them alive when Mom went to Calgary
  • Arrival of spring dresses in the stores
  • Uncle Peter outfitted with suit for wedding
  • Successful purchase of dress for wedding
  • Disbelieving denial of a -18C  morning

...but it's almost here!  Right?!?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Buffalos and Dinosaurs

"I want to see buffalos and dinosaurs", announces the backseat co-pilot.

Easy peasy...we go past our turn off for an extra 2 km down the highway and peruse the local bison farm. Way to go Super Mom. :) 

I told Chris the dinosaurs were his department.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Couldn't sleep last night

My mind was racing, so I set myself up on the couch to be lulled into somnolence by infomercials.    While I was waiting for it to take effect, I was serenaded by a pack of coyotes outside. 


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Snowman Season - March 6 - March 6, 2010

It finally arrived, the perfect, sunny, melty day and with it sprung up a snow family, complete with pets.

Matthew and Dexter building Snow Dexter

L-R - Snow Dexter, Snow Mommy, Snow Aunt Julia
(background - Snow Daddy with some sort of bun on top)

The family with Snow Sam the Dog and Snow Caterpillar.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Makes sense...

Driving into Yorkton today, I saw the flashing lights of the law had pulled over a big rig, just outside of town.

Interestingly, to me anyway, was that as I got closer, I saw that the lights were attached to a big white hemi of a pick up truck.  A ghost pickup.  I never thought of that.  I guess it makes sense...if you really want to blend in here, what else would you drive?


...and during the same action-packed voyage....I passed a neighbour riding his lawn tractor down the highway this morning (WTF?) and accompanying him was Lucky the dog, Sam the dog's brother.  Why would anyone encourage a dog to follow them on a highway?   Lucky chased us, got in front of the car, everything that will ensure that soon his name may not be enough to keep him safe... Bad dog!  Bad owner!

Consider yourself finger wagged.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

There's hope!

As I was heading out to do the chores this morning, I gave Sam the dog a good rub and was rewarded by generating a huge cloud of fur.

Yay! The coat's thinning...spring must be thinking about showing up. :)

(All went well with the cows...nothing to report)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1 - Don't tell Mom...

My sister Karen is getting married this spring (yay!) and preparations are ramping up, so Mom and Dad have gone to Calgary for a few days to go dress shopping, get fitted for a tux, hang out, etc.

So we are stunned to be bumped from our full-service living arrangements into fending for ourselves.  Oh. My. God.

Day 1. I bravely headed into the kitchen this evening to reheat the leftovers Mom left for us.  Yes, I can manage that.  I put the rice and broccoli dish on the stove to warm... Pyrex, low heat, no problem. 

I seem to have a burner dyslexia.  Not for the first time, I checked all the settings and noticed that I had left that particular element on scorch instead of warm.  So, I diligently take it off and walk away to set the table.

One step away and...BLAM!!!!!!  An explosion of Pyrex all over the kitchen.   Oh. My. God. 

No physical damage done to anything but the dish and food, unless you count my near heart attack.

Of course, Dexter has to rush over to investigate and is none to happy to be turned back..."I want to see!"

Not only is the dish ruined, but what the hell are we going to eat?!?!  Pull out the toaster - suck it up everyone.

NOW I'll be scouring the local emporiums clutching the surviving lid trying to find a suitable replacement for the 30 year old favourite casserole dish.  Fun!

Fingers crossed that tomorrow's re-heating experience goes smoother. :)

On the plus side, I did remember to mist the seedlings being nurtured in the basement.  Please God, let the heliotrope survived the four days.  Can I do it?!?!

Stay tuned...everything is completely under control.  Honestly.