- Geranium Watch 2010 begins - recon to Walmart scouting out seedlings.
- Massive roof drainage highlighting misaligned gutter and gaping holes in said gutter.
- Pond on front porch of house
- The missing stench of diesel fumes on the morning chore clothes...the troughs are not freezing over
- Mud-encrusted cars
- 45 minute line ups at the car wash
- Fresh snow 2 days later...followed by newly mud-encrusted cars
- Success with Project Geranium!
- Scandal revealed with the outrageous almost DOUBLING of the price of Walmart geraniums from last year. More acceptable price sourced at Peavy Mart. Ruffled feathers are smoothed.
- Daycare yard turns into massive Lake Yorkton/Yorkton skating rink, depending on the weather
- The arrival of seed catalogues - debating the pros and cons of trying sweet potatoes this year
- Plastic encasing the windows is boldly sliced to allow feeble breeze to enter formerly hermetically sealed home
- First barbecue of the season. Ribs enjoyed by all
- Chris realizing that his -40C boots may be overdressing a bit
- Chris realizing that he needs new shoes
- Warm enough to have plumber do the gas fittings to install new gas cooktop. "Ooh, ahh! It's HOT!"
- Muddy boots banished to the garage landing. Additional newpaper layed down in back entrance.
- Puddles populated by happy boys all over the yard.
- Spring party is held - balloons released on boys' heads in celebration
- Great delight taken in popping balloons. Dad sitting on balloon results in REALLY LOUD pop!
- Dexter snarfing back large portion of spring party cake decorated with icing filled ice cream cones. Head begins to spin.
- Light...in the morning...like before we get out of bed.
- Deer and cow body parts being revealed in the yard as snow receeds -way to dig Sam!
- Mulling over the purchase of blackout blinds for the bedrooms
- Retirement of the snowmobile - sniff
- Return of the quad for farm transportation
- Light...in the evening...like while we eat supper
- Growing anticipation of sister Karen's May wedding
- Windowsill flies hatching
- Hummingbird Watch 2010 begins...it's a competitive sport
- Pondering installation of fresh fly paper
- Dexter announcing that he hates flies
- Mom resumes daily walks
- Michele considers daily walks
- Chris mourns his daily snowmobile rides
- Mom announcing that a too-large garden spruce tree needs a new home this year and there is simply nowhere to put it in this 4-acre (really) yard. Taken under advisement
- The nightly arrival of prairie chicken on the deck feasting on the remaining cranberries. Appearance is conveniently timed around dinner for our viewing enjoyment
- Hungry critters emerging from hiding...Sam chasing away three deer from the fence...coyotes trotting across fields as we drive home from daycare
- Cow Watch 2010 - the growing anticipation of baby cows. Any day now...
- Successful growth of heliotrope seedlings in the basement nursery. I managed to keep them alive when Mom went to Calgary
- Arrival of spring dresses in the stores
- Uncle Peter outfitted with suit for wedding
- Successful purchase of dress for wedding
- Disbelieving denial of a -18C morning
...but it's almost here! Right?!?